Pics from Yoro Park and the Site of Reversible Destiny (near Nagoya)
Small town with cool mountains in the background. Not like that mean mountain Fujisan.
Beginning of the park. Not really sure where we're going or what we're looking for (we just know it's weird and it's called the Site of Reversible Destiny).
Ah, of course. I guess we'll go in the direction that the gnome/tiny man is looking?
Big park space that would probably be nice to have a picnic in. Sometime in April, maybe, when it isn't oppressively hot.
Ah, now that looks better.
Pile of boulders with a water pump at the top
Walked around the wrong way for a while, but found a man in a guard station who told us to go back the other way. Eventually found the ticket booth!
Uh, thanks?
One of the weirdest things about the Site of Reversible Destiny (and Yoro Park as a whole) was that we saw almost no one there outside of some employees.
Uh, hmm.
Thank goodness they gave us directions on how to use the park. It is all so clear now.
Yep, nothing but clarity.
Here's the thing we saw first - basically a strange maze with no start or end, and random appliances and other household items (toilets, chairs, couches, bathtubs, etc) placed throughout.
See? Toilet.
Next, uh, obstacle? Event? Location? I don't know.
There was an employee hanging out underneath this ramp, not sure what his job was. Shade-finder?
This seems dangerous.
Ah, the main attraction. ?
Nice view of the surrounding area from up on that wall with the green bumps.
We walked on this wall all the way to the end before finding that it was a dead end. We were so happy to get out of the hot corridor that was full of spiderwebs, and so depressed when we had to turn around and do it again. You're welcome, Matt, for taking out the spiderwebs on the way up.
We weren't sure what this one was.
Matt said it was really dark and wet in there. I didn't really need to join.
Smaller version of the really tall one with the appliances? Probably not, but who knows. This one probably made the most sense out of any of them. (still zero sense though)
Tired of standing/walking
Another large green space.
Fairly large carnival, with zero people in it. Sort of creepy. Looks straight out of a zombie movie or similar where people just disappeared twenty years ago.
If we had gone another mile or two up this stream, we could've seen one of Japan's top 100 waterfalls, apparently. Maybe it was top 10? I don't know, how many can they really have? I suspect these waterfalls all made the top 100 as well, so we didn't go too much farther. That, and we wanted to get back for Sumo.